Welcome to O Grace Land



“We Stand in the Gap”
… for girls who have aged out of care. The time that girls spend at O Grace Land is just that: a time of grace. The transition that O Grace Land offers is one that helps girls develop job and life skills, self esteem and an independent mind-set. Overall we help girls to become young women ready to step into adult life.
O Grace Land is built on the firm foundation of God’s love and faith in Christ.
Our call to establish O Grace Land is based on these biblical verses:
“Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them…he or she is like a person who builds a house upon a rock” – Luke 6:47
“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” – Psalm 91
LATEST NEWSOur programme offers...
Our programme offers…
A Safe Place
O Grace Land creates a space where girls can live and develop. O Grace Land girls go horse riding and do craft on the farm.
We support each girl to complete Matric, Tertiary education or to develop job and life skills to help them thrive as they work and live.
Strong Hearts
Boost self esteem, an independent mind-set, job search skills, self care in the home, conflict management and anger management.
O Grace Land girls are encouraged to have a personal relationship with God, and choose to take part in devotions, local churches and community projects.
Our values are…
Our Values...
Our Leaders and Our Board Meet us
O Grace Land is a registered NPO, with a board governing our vision and key decisions.
Philani Zama – Founder, Managing Director of O Grace Land
Since 2010 Philani has felt a strong call to develop O Grace Land and has seen God’s hand in every step. He brings his experience as Programme Officer at Fountain of Hope, a Baphumelele Youth home and as Programme Co-ordinator at SA-Yes. Philani also has financial experience after years in corporate finance before he felt called to work directly with at-risk youth. A Christian, he attends Jubilee Church, Cape Town.
Read about latest news and upcoming events at O Grace Land. Read more about issues and stories that are close to our heart at O Grace Land.
In the Beginning: we meet O Grace Land’s Founder
So much can be understood about a person or group if we go back to the beginning, back to that person’s roots. O Grace Land was born out of a concern and a hope – to form an organisation that will help vulnerable young women to stand on their own. […] Read More
O Grace Land’s first steps – the building takes shape
O Grace Land takes her first tentative steps – backed by generous donations by a major bank, supported by in kind donations of building materials and with the emotional support of more than a handful of friends and supporters.We’ll tell you the miracle story of how O Grace Land got […] Read More
Changing our nation: partner with us
“It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world”- Mary Wolstonecraft When individuals and corporate partners come alongside an organisation – it is not merely an act of charity, its a compelling act of justice to put the wrongs of our society right. But donating to O Grace Land, corporates […] Read More
Book a Bed

Sponsor an O Grace Land bed now
Regular Monthly Giving is the most sustainable way to support any NPO. Book a Bed invites you to help pay the bills to keep one bed at O Grace Land open. Your R500 monthly debit covers: lights, water, food and staff costs – for one bed.Education Fund

Education: a key to so many doors
Education is a key step towards independence, whether its Matric, University, Technikon or a Skills-based Course. Consider donating to our Education Fund or chat to our team to see if you’d like to back one deserving student in a specific course.Give New Life

Bringing Life Skills, EQ and Faith to life
Growing emotional intelligence and spiritual strength is essential to O Grace Land’s offering. We offer the girls life skills courses, the Strengths Finder career course as well as conflict and anger management courses.If you would like to make a donation to O Grace Land,
make a donation directly to O Grace Land via EFT:
- Bank – First National Bank (FNB)
- Branch Code: 25065
- Account Type: Cheque account
- Account Name: O Grace Land
- Account Number: 62471910862
Please use your name and surname as reference when making a donation. Or alternatively get in contact with us so we can share our wish list with you. Registered Non-Profit Organisation Reg No: 126-908 NPO .
“O Grace Land subscribes to The Independent Code of Governance for Non-Profits in South Africa”
O Grace Land
Oude Molen Eco Village
Alexandra Road, Pinelands
072 856 1094
Box 4856 The Reeds